

  • 欧美动漫布雷斯塔警长

    主演:帕特·弗雷利 埃德·吉尔伯特 苏珊·布卢 查尔斯·阿德勒 艾伦·欧朋海默 

    导演:埃德·弗赖德曼,Ernie Schmidt,卢·卡希瓦斯,汤姆·塔布瑙奇斯

    简介:位处宇宙深处的新德克萨斯行星上,盛产一种稀有而珍贵的水晶,因而引得来自宇宙各地的外星人寻宝挖掘。这些开采者性格各异,有好有坏,其中名为Tex-Hex的家伙则为坏蛋中的翘楚,为了得到水晶他无所不用其极。不过Tex-Hex也有令其倍感棘手和头疼的对手,那就是牛仔警官布雷斯塔。  布雷斯塔警长拥有鹰的眼睛、狼的耳朵、豹的速度和熊的力量,紧急时刻他便会召唤出相应的兽灵附体,挫败敌手。为了维护和平与安宁,他同邪恶势力进行着不懈的斗争。

  • 动漫电影希瑞希曼 圣诞特别篇

    主演:John Erwin Alan Oppenheimer Linda Gary Lana Beeson Melendy Britt 


    简介:影片讲述希瑞和希曼的搭助手Orko在一次新的间谍卫星测试中意外被传送到地球。Orko试图返回Eternia星球,同时也带回了两个地球的孩子Alisha(爱丽莎) 和 Manuel(曼努尔),此时正是地球上的圣诞节,孩子们自然是充满了节日的气氛,但却引来了不受欢迎的部落首领(the Horde Prime)和骷髅(Skeletor)的注意。希瑞和希曼的力量能阻止他们的打扰,让地球孩子过一个快乐的圣诞节吗?

  • 其他动漫刺客信条:余烬

    主演:Angela Galuppo 罗杰·克莱格·史密斯 Anna Tuveri 

    导演:Laurent Bernier

    简介:  In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked him to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia. Shortly after, he left his study to tend their vineyards while Flavia played nearby the villa. In the midst of his harvest, he saw a stranger cloaked in black, talking to Flavia. Fearing the worst, Ezio hurriedly intercepted the stranger, though Flavia told him that she was no danger, as Ezio saw her necklace with the Assassin insignia...


